Monday, November 10, 2008

Snow and Swimming.....

We had our first real snow last week, and what does Mom and Clara do? Go swimming! We had a lot of fun. Thank goodness for indoor pools! Bring on the snow! Daddy and Clara looking at the snow
The kids
Big Kiddos
I don't like the water on my face!
Look at how big I'm getting!


Natalie Murray said...

I would love to have an indoor pool! That would keep my kids entertained for hours!!! I can't believe you guys got so much snow there! We didn't get anything this way.

kparker79 said...

Oh for fun! New mommies taken the kiddies out swimming!

Byron Events said...

I saw this again - what a lucky little boy, to be with those cute girls. we need to do that again!

Mark and Kandice said...

Clara is such a cutie! I bet she would make a cute fish face while swimming. ;) Wow you guys did get a lot of snow it was just rainy all day up this way.

n.davis said...

you have the cutest girl. haha.
she is getting so big.

DJW said...

Looks like a blast. Amanda, earlier today (between noon and 1) I honked at you on I-15 like 30 times. My Jimmy has a busted muffler so I'm sure you didn't hear, but I just wanted to let you know that I would have waved!

Jason and Laura said...

That is the best way to celebrate the cold weather. Give us a call so we can get together and you can meet Jack!
