Sunday, June 29, 2008


John took Clara and I to the West Jordan pool. Clara had so much fun! She is going to be a great swimmer!

The first steps in a pool

I don't know who is happier, me or dad....

My blue eyed baby

Such concentration
Strike a pose!

Look at my cute ruffles on my swimsuit!

Behind a wall of water, sticking my hand through

Getting wet with mom

I can touch the water

Hi Dad! I'm tired

In my cover up

Told you I was tired!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Millcreek Photos

John used his new camera and took these pics of mom and baby. I am really impressed with his photographic skills already!

Ok, so he did not take this last one, but he set the shot up. I love my family!!! We are so cute!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Grandma Winchester got Clara a new toy!

If you want to entertain your baby, this bouncer is the best! Clara never wants to get out! It lights up and makes noises when she jumps and there are alot of toys that keep her busy. Now only if they have one that can support a 220lb male....hmmmm???

Lucky Brand Jeans on Sale

I just want to let everyone know that Lucky is having a 50% off sale - including baby stuff. John ordered Clara a bunch of cute stuff. You can either buy online or at the store.

Clara has this shirt already. It is so cute on her! I just wish I waited till it went on sale, because I paid full price!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

New Camera

This just in.....the pictures from this point forward, the pictures on our blog should be of professional quality!!! John got a new camera and it is so cool. Here are some pics of little Clara eating. The list of foods now include: rice cereal, carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, peas, and PRUNE juice. Clara needed a little help, if you know what I mean.....