Sunday, September 7, 2008


We had an amazing time on our cruise. Clara did so well. She stuck pretty much to her schedule as far as naps and eating (that girl has got to eat!). Here are a couple of slide shows of the pictures. We had so many! Clara was the hit of the ship. She was known as the girl with the headbands. Thanks Michon for the cute flowers!

Muster Drill

Clara Pictures

Around the Ship

Ports of Call


Mark and Kandice said...

Yeah You are Back! I love your pictures! And the comments that go along with them. Peacock what? :) It looks like you had a great time! We need to go on the next cruise with you guys. Did hurrican Hanna or Ike get in your way or were you able to go to all of your destinations? We are glad you got home safely. And yes I had to restrain myself from getting out the Christmas decorations too.:) Yea for Fall!

n.davis said...

I love your pics. What a fun time. I'm glad you made it back safe and sound, watching all those hurricane warnings made us way nervous for you guys. So, we're glad you're safe. Hope to see you all soon.

the stahle's said...

Love the pics! Love the flowers on Clara's head--she looks so cute in all of them! Looks like you had a great time. Glad you were safe from all the crazy weather!