Friday, July 18, 2008


So, a few of my friends are doing this so I thought it would be fun! Please play and then you blog too!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Oh -- and here is a pretty funny picture of John and I like 8-9 years ago, at the Armstrong's for Sunday dinner.


Byron Events said...

I remember when we were in Bear lake and went around the parking lot taking pictures of really cool cars.
Whats funny is that we both turned out working at progressive - taking pictures of cars.

Melissa said...

I remember staying with you guys in California and going to your Grandma's neighborhood party!

Jennifer and Jason said...

I remember your "bi dance"

Mark and Kandice said...

Oh Amanda I remember when we were stopped at the Cheesecake factory in Florida and you ordered the Godiva chocolate Cheesecake. I didn't realize your love for chocolate until we went on the Princess Cruise and the waiters knew to bring you the chocolate desserts after awhile. :)

n.davis said...

i remember when we lived at your house and got to see you everyday. :('s kinda boring here in utah valley. haha.
( i don't think that counts, but there are a lot of memories in that)

Anonymous said...

This is from a long long time ago, but I remember when you and Jessica were just little and would always want apple juice in your sippy cups. Your Mom would always have me dilute it half water half juice. Silly, but that is one that I remember. You also would plead and beg for me to let you stay up later. I would normally convince you to just read a few more books and then go to bed. I also remember how snuggly your bed was. Your Mom was a great Mommy.
Love ya, Dayna (your baby sitter from So. California)

Josh, Melanie & 2 boys said...

John I remember the first day of 9th grade and you slammed Kyle Ericsen in a locker for me because he called me fat. He almost cried. Awesome!!

Charisse said...

I can't believe you put Holloman on my blog! That's low. Here's my word back to you--Roger!